There was an Earthquake in Bali yesterday morning. Not long after we got up at around 6.30 in the morning. There was a loud rumbling and the house shook. The water in the swimming pool sloshed about so much it came over the edge. There were waves! That was a sight to see.

It had the whole household up very quickly, shame it was not a school day as Katie has not been up this early since… well actually never this early I don’t think!

It only went on for about 30 to 40 seconds but it is a very scary thing to happen I can tell you. Now I think I may be jinxed.

I lived in the Canary Islands for 17 years and there were one or two small tremors in that time, then we moved to England for a couple of years and we were there when the biggest earthquake for years again rocked our house and cracked the garden wall.

Now we live in Bali and I find out that we are living on the ring of fire, as it is known. I thought that was something you got after a hot curry. This is the second quake to hit Bali since we have been here and I am hoping that it was the last.

I am all for a bit of excitement but this is a bit over the top if you ask me.

Anyway back to business..

One thing about the Internet business is that you can run it from anywhere in the world. Another thing, is that if you outsource the majority of your work then you have to spend very little time on it. Having others make money for you is the way to go.

And after this ground shaking event, and no I don’t mean when I fell up the stairs, it may be time to move on.

As long as we have an internet connection we can work from anywhere. Communicating with staff who live in Brasil, India and the Philippines via skype and email allows us to run our little empire.

We have just setup a couple of new websites that we think will generate a little extra income almost on autopilot. Check them out and let me know what you think? is live but needs a bit of work. It is a website to promote oil painting portraits from photos. We have an amazing team of artists that really know there stuff and produce some great works of art. is another one ready to go. Sharon and Astrid designed a range of beachwear that we will promote through the luxury hotels here in Bali and once established, across the World through a network of agents. So all good stuff.

I got portrait painting gallery ranked on Page one of google, msn and yahoo. Yahoo has dropped down to 35 now but still on first page of google. Not bad in a week eh? That is pretty impressive by anyone’s standards you must admit (He says in a smug voice 😉 )

I will keep you updated with how we get on with the ranking of this site over time and let you know how much traffic we generate and, how much we make from it.

Until then from .. 🙂