My First Kindle Book Understanding Social Media – A Simple Simon Guide Well, DO YOU BELIEVE IT? I have finally got my Kindle book finished and launched it on Amazon Kindle. I started this project nearly 2 years ago and many times I nearly gave up. I would say that it has taken blood, sweat…


The Quick Start Challenge (QSC) is starting soon and I have decided to join. Working online can be a lonely place and I thought that this might help me focus on one project rather than the 500 running around in my brain and the group might help to keep me on the straight and narrow….


Scarcity Samurai Launch The team over at noble that produced the fantastic tool market samurai which is probably one of the most successful internet marketing tools ever released, is about to launch a new product which is called scarcity samurai.  Scarcity Samurai is a wordpress plugin. Basically it is a large countdown timer that helps…