Google social search Is It A Game Changer

Google social search has been around since 2009 but it recently has had some recent changes. There is a good reason for this. Read on and you will see why.

The thing is, as internet marketers, we carry on with what we do and some of us spend a lot of time on SEO forums and blogs to try and understand the nuances of the latest search engine optimisation techniques and tricks.

Not all of the participants on these sites know anything at all about SEO, they just spout stuff that they have read on other sites or even worse, make it up as they go along. I always find it best to do my own tests and make up my own mind based on the results of my testing. I often find that different strategies can have varying effects depending on the types of websites and niches.

For example an technique that works really well for an e-commerce site will not work as well for a niche blog site.

A static site that is not updated on a regular basis can rank very well if you do certain things. Carrying out these same tasks on a blog will not have much impact. that is why testing is so important.

I read in an email from a supposed seo expert the other day that read “it if we could figure out the google algorithm then we could rank on the first page of google as easy as pie.”!!

Actually, google DO NOT hide the secret to first page results. It is simple but time consuming and takes a lot of effort. You have to produce and provide value for your visitor. Relevant information related to what the searcher is looking for.

Google even provide a whole section of their website dedicated to helping webmasters learn the basic of SEO the google way. here is the link  google webmaster help

Few of us pay enough attention to the facts that are out there. This is because a lot of this information is hidden amongst lengthy technical data which can be difficult to dissect and gleem the golden nuggets.

For those that do spend time reading these long winded white papaers and the SEO news releases you will have seen the recent announcement by bing and facebook. They are going to fully integrate the social data from facebook into the bing search results.

Why is this link between facebook and bing so important?

Well after the announcement, Google made an almost instant repsonse and you can bet your bottom dollar that this will not be the last change.

This intergration will change the way that google brings back results. Especially if you use gmail and are usually logged into your google account when you use the google search.

Why is Google Social Search A Game Changer?

The changes to the google social search will change the way the search engines deliver results. This may not have an immediate effect on your rankings or traffic. However, over time it will do and so it is important that you take the time to understand what it is google social search does.

If you want to stay ahead or even get ahead of your competition then learn all you can about social searching and then take some action to ensure your website is the one that is served up to those searching for your product or service.

As always use the contact me page if you have any questions, I will be happy to helo if I can.

Here is the video

Mark my words the next thing that will be hot all over the forums will be google social search.