Ultimate Rank Protector Review – WordPress Plugin

The Ultimate Rank Protector is a new wordpress plugin which is a great way to keep track of your keyword ranking and backlinks. Ultimate Rank Protector Review It is easy to install and setup. It is much the same as any plugin. Simply download the ultimate rank protector from the members area in zip format and go to add plugin in wordpress. Once the ultimate rank protector has installed, activate it and then go to settings.

Ranking is important if you want to generate free traffic to your site. You can see more about how to rank well on google and the other search engines.

Installing Ultimate Rank Protector

You then add the keywords for the posts and pages that you want to monitor. The software then goes out and checks the rankings as well as the number of backlinks to each page and post. This is a great little piece of software that makes keyword tracking a very easy and simple process. This is a brand new software so beware there is bound to be a few little problems with it but dont worry. Their backup and support is really good and the cost is only $47 dollars at the minute so grab it while you can. I am sure the price will go up once it gets established. It is worth more than the $47 he is charging. There is a 30 day money back guarantee as well that should give you peace of mind.

Check out Ultimate Rank Protector

You can install this plugin on all of your sites so ultimate rank protector really is good value for money.