Who is the number one SEO expert?

You can find out who it is here 🙂 Who is the number one SEO expert

There are loads of  so called gurus and SEO Experts  who make out they know all the answers but very few actually do.

All they do is try to sell you highly priced SEO re hashed courses that just over complicate the whole process.

Getting to the top of google and the other major search engines like yahoo and bing is never going to be easy and as the number of websites grow daily the competition grows with it. It does not matter if you are the number one SEO expert if you are in a competitive market it is still going to take a lot of time and effort.

However, it is not as compicated as it may first seem once you know and understand the basics.

How To Become The Number One SEO Expert

There are so many factors with ranking in the SERPS (search engine rankings pages) although the number one factor is the level of competiton.

Trying to compete in areas like health insurance or credit cards is like climbing into the ring with Mike Tyson when you have never put on a boxing glove before.

These competitive markets spend a lot of time and money on ranking their sites and this makes it vertually impossible to rank well in any of the search engines. The number one SEO expert tend to stay away from these markets unless they have very large budgets.

Backlinks are the secret to good rankings and a lot of these websites that are in these types of markets have thousands of links to their sites.

You Can Be The Number One SEO Expert

If you are thinking of improving your rankings in the search engines then make sure you do your research and work on keywords that have the higher searches and lower competition.

Who is the number one SEO expert”? Well  there are many that really know their stuff but make sure you check out what you learn and try it but make sure you do NOT go into the black arts. If you try to trick the search engines you will get caught out.

Take your time and study as much a you can. check out my education station and before long you may well be the number one SEO expert with plenty of first page rankings.

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