When you are working on and building a new blog or website, getting it off the starting block with regards to visitors, followers and subscribers is not an easy task. In fact it is extremely hard work in the beginning. As time goes on it is like a snowball effect, visitors to your blog or website can begin to grow exponentially and gain a momentum that can catapult you into the blog stratosphere.

We all know that we need to keep the site fresh, adding quality, interesting and informative content on a regular basis but, it does not matter how much great content you have, how funny, clever or valuable it may be, you have to drive traffic to the site so that they get to see it, read it and learn to love and appreciate it. Once they do then they will come back.

So the key is not just to create the content but to get people to see it. And, if you think that posting a link to your facebook page and tweeting it will drive you the numbers that you will need to grow, then I am afraid you are going to be disappointed. Don’t be fooled into thinking that it will be easy because it won’t but, with a well formed plan, a few tools to assist you, something interesting to say and a lot of perseverance, you CAN do it

To get your website in front of people that are interested in your subject matter and message, you also need to get yourself out there contributing on other websites that have a lot of traffic. Registering and contributing to forums, commenting on blogs,  joining groups and social media pages and adding to the conversation, answering questions on yahoo answers will all help. This takes time, a lot of time.onlywire-submission-list-icons

You can also submit your content to many different websites that get huge amounts of traffic like reddit, tumblr, stumbleupon and wordpress to name but a few.

If people like what they see on these third party sites then they will hopefully click through to your site to see more. Once they get to your site then, if they like it, they will read a bit more and maybe sign up for your updates or to get your free offer and, over time become loyal subscribers.

If you keep doing this then eventually your traffic will grow to a level where you can make it profitable and generate a life supporting/changing income from it. Of course, the sooner you can get to this critical mass of followers the better. And, I can help you with that.

Now, if this seems like an impossible task then let me help you, as there are shortcuts that you can take to cut down on the pain and heartache (ok so a bit over dramatic but you get the picture)




Services like onlywire can help distribute your blog posts and content to up to 50 different social media websites. You can also send to multiple accounts on each of those creating an almost infinite number of links back to your site.

Now the key here is NOT to get the links, although that is an additional benefit. If you are trying to improve your SEO then this is not the best way to do it. The reason to use this service is to increase the exposure to your content, getting people back to your site.

By sending out to 50 or more social networking and bookmarking websites every time that you write a post or add content then you will get more traffic. Also, if people like what they see, they will also share it, especially if you encourage them :-).

Look at it as a kickstart, starting the ball rolling to hopefully gain  momentum. 

Once you have that critical mass then your site will take on a life of it’s own and you can stop all of these shenanigans to concentrate on producing more stellar content for your readers and cash paying customers.


Some other Social media submission services to take a look at.


I will be doing an in depth video on the different ways to drive traffic to your website including the methods described in the QSC plus a few more.

In the meantime please add your comments below and, if you think this article is interesting and informative and has been of help to you then if you would be kind enough to share it I will be eternally grateful.