How come I am able to work out complicated formulae on spreadsheets, write database code (well I used to), did the theory test and learnt to fly a light aircraft, got my certificate for chart-work and navigation at sea (that was dammed hard to do) when I was learning to scuba dive. Yet, I find it impossible to keep a diary or just one notebook, writing things down in places I am destined never to see again!


The social network that pays you. Imagine a world where every time a social network made money from your content, you got paid. Wouldn’t that be a better, more fair world? Well.. We now live in that world


It is said that everyone is only six steps or fewer away from anybody else on this planet!

The more famous the person is then the more likely it is that it will be significantly less than 6.

See how I am connected to the Queen.


Forget SEO – It Is A Total Waste Of Time

Now, I know that this is a controversial statement but hear me out before passing judgment on my parentage..

I am NOT saying SEO is dead. You can, with a lot of work rank a website for long tail and low competition keywords, although getting a new site to rank for highly competitive keywords is like peeing into the wind, and is not going to happen whatever those SEO professionals tell you.


Do you ever get the feeling that you wished you had not started something? Well that is me at the minute.

I setup this blog many years ago but have not been updating it regularly for a long time. This is the reason that there is no dates on the posts so visitors would not know when the last time it was updated! Sneaky eh?

I designed the theme myself (and before you say it, yes I know it is not that good) I am a poor designer and used a software program called artisteer theme designer. The lazy man in me said that it was about the content not the design so it did not matter too much. Also, my money sites were far more important so I did not bother.