Quick start challenge video

I had to post a video up for this weeks challenge which I have done. I am not keen on watching back videos of myself but I did it.

Amazing what a bit of encouragement and a challenge can do for you 🙂


    • lloydh says:

      Thanks Kevin but I would not call it great. It was done in one take a quick edit and up it went before I bottled it.. I will do better next time though which is a valuable lesson and a hurdle that I have crossed in my goal to build my own brand rather than standing in the shadows for so long.

      I have completed the challenge though which was the point 🙂


  1. Carol Thomas says:

    Well done in pushing yourself and getting the video done and up online!
    I love the look and feel of your blog too – some great posts. Keep up the great work Lloyd.
    Onwards & Upwards!

  2. Lauretta Anonby says:

    Hi Lloyd

    It seems you are quite experienced in this realm. I’ll certainly want to spend some time here, as I see you have a number of topics that interest me. Good for you about Challenge Week 2. I’m still working on mine 🙂 To quote someone we all know, “I’ll be back.” All the best.

    • lloydh says:

      Hi Lauretta

      Yes, I have been involved in internet marketing and websites for a long time and have a number of websites but suffer with a lot of the same issues that those of you knew to the internet do.

    • Information overload
    • Too many distractions
    • Shiny Object syndrome
    • Procrastination
    • Not finishing what I start
    • Too many things on the go at once
    • Alcoholism
    • So I believe I can do so much better so am hoping that the QSC can help me in all of these areas, apart from the alcoholism, as I am not quite ready to give up my red wine and Jägermeister bombs just yet.

      Let me know if you need any help, I have a great recipe for rum punch and am pretty good with wordpress and the internet. 🙂

  3. Desana says:

    Hi Lloyd, great video and congratulations for completing the challenge!! Off to read other articles of yours to learn more…. 🙂

    • lloydh says:

      I am not too sure about the video, I think there is a lot that could make it better but it is a start.

      I hope you find my articles interesting and valuable to you. Please comment on the ones you like 🙂



  4. Joe says:

    Congrats on your first video post. This challenge by far I think will be the most intimidating for the majority of us. Taking action is key. The next I believe is consistency. I still have to do mine. Best of luck.

    • lloydh says:

      I agree that consistency is the toughest part which is why I took the QSC to give me momentum and a kick up the a**e that I needed to build my brand.

  5. Kevin Everett says:

    Nice Lloyd. Very relaxed and clear communication. This was a tough challenge for me and probably for a good many others too. But now it is done and I for one have grown in confidence from it. Good luck with the future challenges.

    • lloydh says:

      Yes, whilst I am a very social and confident man (although the wife thinks I am still a boy in my head and very childish. I just stick my tongue out and blow raspberries at her) speaking in front of the camera was quite hard. I have done a number of videos in the past for sales letters and product reviews but never, published any of them! So this was a first.

  6. Mark says:

    Hello Lloyd,

    You did a fine job with your video here. You took action and completed the task. Congratulations. As well, you look very believable. I too am going down the Quick Start Challenge Path. I wish you much success!

  7. igor Griffiths says:

    Hello Lloyd

    Our first video like our first at everything is the most important one as it marks a point from which we can only get better. You are right to be critical of the video not because there is anything dramatically wrong with it but rather because it’s only by being honest with ourselves and looking for ways to improve that we can actually get better.


    • lloydh says:

      I agree Igor. And, also your confidence grows. I have not had a problem creating videos, in fact I own almost every video creation tool out there. Explaindio, easy sketch pro, screenflow, videocue, screensteps (MAC) adobe premier and camtasia, I have always resisted going in front of the camera. I dont know why but I will start to do more if it if needed I think.

    • lloydh says:

      Hi Kian

      Thank you for the kind words 🙂

      I do need to add a giveaway to the offer but yes, the optins have been there for a while so I am a little ahead.

      I have a lot of commenting on other blogs to do so will spend some time catching up wtith that.

  8. Steven Brough says:

    Hi! Its Steven here from QSC. I agree to this, if you are willing to do something and if you have the courage to do it, you can do it. Good luck to your QSC journey!

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